Sabtu, 30 Oktober 2021



Dua cara ini akan membantu lo, kita para pria Indonesia bisa menguasai dunia. Bisa jadi bangsa yang disegani oleh negara-negara lain yang nggak sekedar punya pengaruh, tapi juga punya peran penting dalam membentuk peradaban umat manusia. Gue pernah bikin tulisan tentang kelebihan cowok Indonesia dibandingkan cowok dari bangsa lain. Kelebihannya ada 2: Jauh dari alkohol dan dekat dengan Tuhan. Dari lo ada yang bertanya, tapi bang, dengan kelebihan itu, kenapa cowok Indonesia masih kalah maju, kalah sejahtera dibandingkan cowok-cowok dari negara maju? Misal Jepang, Amerika Serikat, Rusia dan lain-lain? Nah, ini dia jawabannya bro. 
Gue akan membedah dua kelemahan utama kita sebagai pria Indonesia yang kalau kita perbaiki saat ini, bisa bikin bangsa kita makin kuat. 

Pertama, adalah Pendidikan. Kita nggak semaju bangsa lain, karena tertinggal di bidang ini. Berdasarkan data dari Wolrd Population Ranking tahun 2021, kualitas pendidikan Indonesia berada di Ranking ke-54 dari 78 negara. Masuk sepertiga paling bawah.

Kita memang punya masyarakat yang kompak. Tapi karena masih sedikit yang terdidik, kadang kekompakan masyarakat kita sering digiring ke arah yang menjerumuskan, oleh orang-orang jahat. Karena kompak, satu disuruh jalan ke satu arah, yang lain ikut. Nggak ada yang sadar, kalau jalan tadi mengarah ke jurang yang mencelakakan. Serem kan, bro!
Gimana biar kualitas pendidikan kita naik? Idealnya, kita perlu lebih menghargai manusia-manusia yang pekerjaan utamanya adalah mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa. Dari level dasar, sampai level universitas. Nggak perlu fasilitas, dimulai dulu dari sumber daya manusianya. Naikkan gaji guru setara gaji manajer. Jangan ada lagi kasus guru honorer yang hidup serba pas-pasan. Tujuannya, biar putra-putri terbaik bangsa, mau bekerja sebagai pendidik. Gue yakin, pemerintah kita dari tahun ke tahun sedang berusaha memperbaiki ini. Sambil menunggu kondisi ideal ini tercipta bro, kita harus inisiatif dulu. Memastikan diri kita dan orang-orang terdekat kita terdidik. Maksud gue, terdidik bukan cuma sekolah, lulus terus pegang Ijazah. Ijazah, justru nggak wajib yang penting adalah lo sekolah, lulus, dan punya skill yang bisa bantu lo cari nafkah dengan layak.
Misal, sekolah atau kuliah, lulus, bisa programming, bisa kerja di perusahaan Internasional. Sekolah atau kuliah, lulus, punya skill bisnis, dapat akses ke pendanaan Investor buat buka bisnis baru. Sekolah atau kuliah, lulus, bisa berbagai bahasa asing lancar, bisa kerja di perusahaan Multinasional. 
Terdidik, artinya bukan punya Ijazah ya bro. Tapi jadi punya kemampuan, punya keterampilan, yang bisa bikin hidup lo lebih baik.
Yuk, kita lebih sadar tentang hal ini. Berapapun usia lo, kita wajib mendidik diri dengan berbagai hal yang bisa membawa manfaat dalam hidup. 

Faktor kedua, adalah Disiplin. 
Gue pernah observasi dan perhatikan ke lebih dari 30 negara, dan dengan berat hati gue harus mengatakan kalau Indonesia adalah salah satu negara yang paling tidak disiplin. Kita kurang bisa menghargai waktu. Sulit banget untuk mematuhi peraturan. Karena dari pembuat peraturannya sendiri, kadang juga kasih celah buat pelanggaran. Dan yang lebih berbahaya, kita kurang disiplin ke diri sendiri. Sering nggak mematuhi apa yang udah kita janjikan ke diri sendiri. Gampang takluk pada kemalasan. Terlalu mudah mencari alasan dan memaafkan kemalasan. Kalau kita ambil contoh misalnya Jepang, kenapa mereka masyarakatnya bisa hidup makmur? Karena mereka terbiasa disiplin, dimulai dari disiplin ke diri sendiri. Gimana cara jadi disiplin?
Menurut gue, karena udah dewasa, ini balik lagi ke diri masing-masing. Lo harus menanamkan ke diri sendiri tentang pentingnya waktu. Punya rasa malu kalau telat, lebih menghargai waktu sendiri. Lebih keras ke diri sendiri, terutama tentang menepati jadwal. Dan tentu, kayak yang udah gue sering bilang, budaya disiplin mental, baru bisa kebentuk kalau lo bisa disiplin badan.  Olahraga, jaga makan, bangun pagi. Mulai dari ini dulu. 

Kesimpulannya, kalau kita mempertahankan kelebihan kita sebagai bangsa Indonesia dan memperkuat kelemahan kita dalam dua hal: Pendidikan dan Disiplin. Kita akan jadi bangsa yang kuat di mata dunia.
Gimana menurut lo, bro? Apa hal yang perlu kita perbaiki biar pria-pria Indonesia bisa punya wibawa di dunia Internasional. 
Share di kolom komentar ya.

"Kami putra dan putri Indonesia bersatu untuk melepaskan bangsa Indonesia dari Ketertindasan, Kebodohan, Kemiskinan, Ketimpangan dan Kehinaan agar berdaulat, adil & makmur.

Mind Academy Priority
Layanan pembelajaran Self Improvement-Personal Development dari nol bersama Mind Academy untuk VVIP

✓ Investasi DCA Rp.1.500.000,-/bulan (selama 9 bulan) atau tunai sekali bayar (pelunasan di awal)
✓ Mendapatkan pembelajaran dan mentoring sampai dengan 270 hari pertemuan (9 bulan penuh) hingga bisa
✓ Tahun ketiga semua uang dikembalikan + profit sharing 10%
✓ Gratis konsultasi dengan mentor secara offline dan online seumur hidup
✓ Deposit senilai Rp. 14.999.045,- dan memberikan keterangan Deposit ke Rekening BTPN (213) 90020199711 atas nama MUHAMMAD IQBAL MUSALIM.
Kirimkan bukti transfer ke WA, Lalu tim kami akan segera membuatkan invoice tanda terima Non-Materai yang berfungsi sebagai jaminan uang kembali 110%.

Untuk informasi detail seputar Mind Academy, Anda bisa mengunjungi kami di sini!

Terima Kasih
Mind Academy By Soul Of Mind Indonesia
Mari bersatu untuk mewujudkan Visi Indonesia Jenius 2030 & Nusantara Maju 2045

Kami adalah perusahaan yang punya Visi mengembangkan 7.090 unit Sekolah Bakat di seluruh Indonesia.

Menciptakan Masa Depan bagi Umat Manusia untuk berbagi Pemikiran, Idenya, Visinya, Tantangan dan Harapannya untuk Kehidupan.
Untuk informasi tentang seminar publik Iqbal Musalim dan keterlibatan berbicara di perusahaan atau untuk menerima produk tambahan silakan hubungi:

Motivasi, Inspirasi, Manajemen, Strategi Finansial, Pengembangan Diri, Pelajaran Hidup Bahagia dan Sukses
Ilmu dokumen audio bisa Anda dapatkan melalui channel telegram: Rahasia Magnet Rezeki Corp
Line: @Iqbalmusalimcorp05

Selasa, 19 Oktober 2021

Cara Bangun Pasif Income & Strategi Investasi

By Soul Of Mind Indonesia

Cara Bangun Passive Income* 10 Juta/Bulan s.d 100 Juta/Bulan
*Kita pasif, tapi income akan tetap masuk. Uang bekerja untuk kita

1. Return (Imbal Hasil) 8% per tahun & Pasif Income 10 Juta/Bulan
Aset Investasi: 10 Juta X 12 Bulan
= IDR1,500,000,000.- (Rp1,5 Miliar)

Ketika Bapak/Ibu,/Saudara/i rutin menyisihkan uang 10ribu/minggu atau 40ribu/bulan untuk investasi sampai tercapai nominal jumlah Aset Investasi maka di bulan/tahun berikutnya Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i sudah akan memanen hasil Investasi 10 Juta/bulan.

2. Return (Imbal Hasil) 30% per tahun & Pasif Income 100 Juta/Bulan
Aset Investasi: 100 Juta X 12 Bulan
= IDR4,000,000,000.- (Rp4 Miliar)

Saat Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i rutin menyisihkan uang 100ribu/minggu atau 400ribu/bulan untuk investasi dengan rutin sampai tercapai nominal jumlah Aset Investasi maka di bulan/tahun berikutnya Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i sudah akan memanen hasil Investasi 100 Juta/bulan.

Have a great day 😎
SMII Invest Management by Soul Of Mind Indonesia

Iqbal Musalim, CEO Soul Of Mind Indonesia

Pilihan produk investasi; Cryptocurrency, Emas, Indeks saham global (DJIA, NASDAQ, S&P 500), ETF, IDX high dividen 20, Reksadana dan Properti.

Menabung konvensional tidak dianjurkan karena uang yang ditabung akan mengalami Inflasi atau nilainya berkurang.
Semoga bermanfaat untuk Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i
Terima kasih

Mind Academy Private
Layanan pembelajaran Self Improvement-Personal Development dari nol bersama Mind Academy untuk VIP

✓ Investasi DCA Rp.1.000.000,-/bulan (selama 3 bulan) atau tunai sekali bayar (pelunasan di awal)
✓ Mendapatkan pembelajaran dan mentoring sampai dengan 90 hari pertemuan (3 bulan penuh) hingga bisa
✓ Tahun pertama semua uang dikembalikan + profit sharing 10%
✓ Gratis konsultasi dengan mentor secara offline dan online seumur hidup
✓ Deposit senilai Rp. 4.999.045,- dan memberikan keterangan Deposit ke Rekening BTPN (213) 90020199711 atas nama MUHAMMAD IQBAL MUSALIM.
Kirimkan bukti transfer ke WA, Lalu tim kami akan segera membuatkan invoice tanda terima Non-Materai yang berfungsi sebagai jaminan uang kembali 110%.

Untuk informasi detail seputar Mind Academy, Anda bisa mengunjungi kami di sini!

Terima Kasih
Mind Academy By Soul Of Mind Indonesia
Mari bersatu untuk mewujudkan Visi Indonesia Jenius 2030 & Nusantara Maju 2045

Kami adalah perusahaan yang punya Visi mengembangkan 7.090 unit Sekolah Bakat di seluruh Indonesia.

Menciptakan Masa Depan bagi Umat Manusia untuk berbagi Pemikiran, Idenya, Visinya, Tantangan dan Harapannya untuk Kehidupan.
Untuk informasi tentang seminar publik Iqbal Musalim dan keterlibatan berbicara di perusahaan atau untuk menerima produk tambahan silakan hubungi:

Motivasi, Inspirasi, Manajemen, Strategi Finansial, Pengembangan Diri, Pelajaran Hidup Bahagia dan Sukses
Ilmu dokumen audio bisa Anda dapatkan melalui channel telegram: Rahasia Magnet Rezeki Corp
Line: @Iqbalmusalimcorp05

Kamis, 14 Oktober 2021

Indonesia Negara Super Power 2045


Apakah bisa? Bisa dong, kita kan New Mind!
Apakah Pancasila saat ini masih sama saktinya... seperti saat pertama kali dideklarasikan oleh para pendiri bangsa?
Gue rasa, pertanyaan ini nggak perlu dijawab. Kita udah sama-sama tau jawabannya. Lebih baik, kita bersama-sama menyalakan lilin dari pada sibuk mengutuk kegelapan.
Pertanyaan yang harus kita jawab adalah, bisakah kita membuat Pancasila jadi lebih sakti di masa depan?
Jawabannya, bisa banget bro!!

Negara kita, bisa kuat kalau makin banyak pria-pria kuat di dalamnya. Bukan cuma penguasanya yang kuat, tapi kita sebagai rakyat/bangsa juga wajib memperkuat diri! Gimana caranya?
Jadi warga negara yang kuat, dijelaskan di dalam Pancasila. Gue akan coba menjelaskan Pancasila, sesederhana mungkin. Biar kita  bisa lebih paham, cara menjalankannya.

Syarat pertama kalau lo mau jadi kuat. Adalah dekat dengan Tuhan. Simpel kan bro? 

Lo harus jadi cowok yang adil, bro. Jadi orang baik! Sebagai cowok, harus cinta sama sesama manusia. Pastikan tindakan lo sehari-hari, ada manfaatnya buat orang lain. Tunjukkan juga kalau lo adalah cowok yang punya sopan santun, adab, tata krama.

Fokuslah untuk mempersatukan bukan memecah belah. Gimana caranya kita sesama cowok bisa bersatu, saling menguatkan. Bukannya saling hujat, saling hina, saling bikin down/jatuhkan satu sama lain.

Artinya, kalau lo mau ambil keputusan, pastiin keputusan itu baik buat banyak orang. Biasakan musyawarah, dialog. Dan terima serta jalankan hasil musyawarah seperti seorang pria sejati.

Bersikap adil ke diri sendiri, bersikap adil ke orang lain. Adil dengan cara membela dan mengungkapkan kebenaran. Berpikir adil, kalau lo mau dapat banyak, lo harus memberi secara maksimal. Sebelum nuntut hak, pastiin lo penuhi kewajiban lo dulu.

Gue percaya, kita bisa jadi generasi terkuat yang pernah dimiliki oleh Bangsa Indonesia. Sepanjang kita sadar dan paham, apa yang wajib kita korbankan untuk jadi kuat. Ingat bro, jadi cowok kuat, bukan cuma buat diri kita. Tapi juga buat orang lain, buat negara, bahkan buat masa depan putra/putri-cucu kita!

Coba liat bro, negara-negara yang pria-prianya kuat. Putra/putrinya, sejahtera sampai sekarang. Contohnya di Arab, kekuatan Rasulullah dan para sahabatnya, serta para pengikutnya... masih dirasakan sampai sekarang.
Rakyat di Arab Saudi, sampai detik ini masih hidup dengan sangat berlimpah. Contoh lagi di Jepang, negara yang mendidik para prianya untuk hidup terhormat dengan jalan hidup samurai; walaupun hancur lebur dihantam nuklir... tetap bisa bangkit, jadi pusat kekuatan dunia, dan masyarakatnya hidup sangat sejahtera.
Bangsa Viking di Eropa Utara, diisi oleh lelaki-lelaki paling berani sepanjang sejarah. Melayari samudera untuk menaklukan negara lain. 
Sekarang, negara-negara seperti Swedia, Norwegia, Finlandia; jadi negara dengan tingkat kesejahteraan, pendidikan, dan kesehatan terbaik di dunia.

Kalau kita kuat, Indonesia juga pasti kuat bro! Gue sendiri bikin tulisan ini, bukan cuma buat besok, minggu depan atau bulan depan. Visi terbesar gue sebenernya, gue bisa kasih kontribusi walaupun mulai dari hal kecil aja, buat Indonesia di tahun 2045. Kenapa 2045? Itu adalah tahun... saat Indonesia berusia 100 tahun. Dan tahun dimana kita, generasi yang sekarang, udah cukup umur untuk jadi pemimpin-pemimpin negara. Untuk memegang kekuasaan. Mungkin nanti ada dari kita, ada dari lo yang memegang amanah tinggi di pemerintahan. Kalau kita udah terlatih kuat dari sekarang, gue yakin di tahun 2045, Indonesia akan jadi sumber kekuatan, jadi teladan buat bangsa-bangsa lain di dunia ini!!
Lo pasti bisa bro. Kita pasti bisa.


Selamat pagi rekan-rekan, apa kabar hari ini?

Hi there,
Selamat datang di Mind Academy

Mind Academy adalah Akamedi Pemikiran yang dirancang dengan konsep "Transformation Strategy". Anda dapat belajar bagaimana membangun Soft Power menggunakan Pendekatan Kasih Sayang, mulai dari:
✓ Self Improvement
✓ Self Talk Success
✓ Leadership Skill
✓ Digitalisasi
✓ Message From Billionaire
✓ Rerogramming Sub Consiousness Mind
✓ Personal Branding
✓ Menguasai Bahasa Sunda, Indonesia, Inggris, Jepang & Prancis
✓ 90 Hari Pertemuan (3 Bulan Penuh)
Personal: Rp2,999,045/3 Bulan, Private: Rp4,999,045/6 Bulan & Priority: Rp14,999,045/9 Bulan

Mind Academy merupakan persembahan dari Soul Of Mind Indonesia, hadir untuk membangun ulang Generasi Pembaharu.
Generasi yang mampu menciptakan Kedamaian, Kemakmuran dan Kesejahteraan di dunia.

Informasi lebih lanjut silahkan klik!
Boleh contact: (Juhria) & (Rani)

Terima Kasih
Mind Academy By Soul Of Mind Indonesia
Mari bersatu untuk mewujudkan Visi Indonesia Jenius 2030 & Nusantara Maju 2045
Salam Pembaharu Nusantara

Kami adalah perusahaan yang punya Visi mengembangkan 7.090 unit Sekolah Bakat di seluruh Indonesia.

Menciptakan Masa Depan bagi Umat Manusia untuk berbagi Pemikiran, Idenya, Visinya, Tantangan dan Harapannya untuk Kehidupan.
Untuk informasi tentang seminar publik Iqbal Musalim dan keterlibatan berbicara di perusahaan atau untuk menerima produk tambahan silakan hubungi:

Motivasi, Inspirasi, Manajemen, Strategi Finansial, Pengembangan Diri, Pelajaran Hidup Bahagia dan Sukses
Ilmu dokumen audio bisa Anda dapatkan melalui channel telegram: Rahasia Magnet Rezeki Corp
WhatsApp: 0895635963308
Line: @Iqbalmusalimcorp05

Senin, 11 Oktober 2021

10 Ways To Believe In Yourself

10 Ways To Believe In Yourself

Learning how to believe in yourself requires a holistic strategy. You must take control of your thoughts and feelings so you’re able to reach your peak state.

1. Realize It Starts With You
To get in touch with your personal power, you need to adopt new routines. Consider building a meditation practice into your routine or start your day with priming. By incorporating a practice of self-affirmation into your morning routine, you can set the tone for a day filled with confidence.

2. Examine Your Limiting Beliefs
Negative emotions like self-doubt or anxiety are deeply connected to the opinions we have of ourselves based on our life experiences. They’re your brain telling you that it’s time to examine these limiting beliefs and replace them with empowering ones.

3. Learn To Respect Yourself
To master the art of self-confidence, make a habit of treating yourself like you’d treat an esteemed mentor. Change your self-talk by catching your inner monologue when it turns negative and replacing those comments with positive thoughts.

4. Use The Law Of Attraction
To fuel self-belief, surround yourself with people who inspire and support you. Whatever you want to achieve in your life, find people who will elevate you, not bring you down.

5. Get Insipired
Make a point to seek out advice from others who have achieved your goals. Watch documentaries about people who have done great things in life. Read inspirational quotes and write down your favorites.

6. Remember Past Successes
If you’re feeling discouraged, remember moments in your past in which you were successful at a similar task. Or, remember moments in which you faced obstacles and overcame them with grace and courage.

7. Face Your Fears
It’s human nature to experience fear and anxiety. But when you believe in yourself, you realize that those emotions are there to encourage you to take action, not to hold you back. People with self-belief turn fear into action by focusing on their goals as part of their overall purpose in life.

8. Create Goals
Creating goals is part of facing your fears. Setting and achieving goals that help you overcome your fears will give you a sense of accomplishment. Your goals don’t have to be huge – taking small steps that add up to big results will improve your confidence and boost your ability to believe in yourself.

9. Learn A New Skill
Whether you learn how to write code or how to play the piano, learning a new skill can increase your feelings of self-efficacy – your belief in your abilities to execute tasks, control your own behavior and attain your goals.

10. Always Keep Going
You’ll inevitably encounter obstacles, but it’s how you react to them that matters. You must dig deep and realign your focus on what you really want in life: discovering how to believe in yourself. It truly is within your reach.
We have created a new channel and we really need your help.

Youtube: Iqbal Musalim Company, Inc
WhatsApp: +628986355448
Facebook:  Muhammad Iqbal
Instagram: @Iqbalmusalim

Jumat, 08 Oktober 2021

The Meaning Of Life

The Meaning Of Life

My father could have been a great entrepreneur but he didn't believe that was possible for him and so, he made a conservative choice. Instead, he got a safe job as an trader and when I was 12 years old.. he was let go from the safe job and our family had to do whatever we could to survive.
I learned many great lessons from my father, not the least of which was that you can fail at what you don't want. So, you might as well take a chance on doing what you love.

I watched the effect of my father's love and humour, and how it altered the world around me, and I thought: "That's something to do. that's something worth my time." 
When I was about 21, after a decade as a professional entrepreneur, I realised one night in Jakarta that the purpose of my life had always been to free people from concern, just like my dad and my mentor. I did something.. that made people present their best selves to me wherever I go.

How will you serve the world? what do they need that your talent can provide? that's all you have to figure out. I can tell you from experience the effect you have on others.. is the most valuable currency there is and all that will be left of you is what was in your heart.
Life doesn't happen to you, it happens for you guys. because ultimately, we're not the avatars we create. we're not the picture on the film stock. we are the light that shines through, all else is just smoke and mirrors. distracting, but not truly compelling.
That piece that we're after lies somewhere beyond personality. beyond the perception of others, beyond invetion and disguise, even beyond effort itself. You can join the game, fight the wars, play with form all you want, but.. to find real peace you have to let the armor go.
Your need for acceptance can make you invisible in this world. Don't let anything stand in the way of the light that shines through this form. Risk being seen in all of your glory.

I've often said.... that I wished could realize all their dreams and wealth and fame.... so that they could see that it's not where you're going to find your sense of completion. Like many of you guys, I was concerned about going out into the world and doing something bigger than myself, until someone smarter than myself made me realize that there is nothing bigger than myself.
Fear is going to be a player in your life but you get to decide how much. You can spend your whole life imagining ghosts, worrying about the pathway to the future, but all there will ever be is what's happening here and the decisions we make in this moment, which are based in either love or fear.
So many of us choose our path out of fear disguised are practicality. what we really want seems impossibly out of reach and ridiculous to expect so we never dare to ask the universe for it. I'm saying: "I'm the proof that you can ask the universe for it." 

My soul is not contained within the limits of my body, my body is contained within the limitlessness of my soul. Our eyes are not viewers, they're also projectors, that are running a second story over the picture that we see in front of us all the time. Fear is writing that script, and the working title is: "I'll never be enough."
No matter what you gain, ego will not let you rest. It will tell you.. that you cannot stop until you've left an indelible mark on the earth, until you've achieved immortality.
How tricky is this ego that it would tempt us with the promise of something we already possess.
Relax, and dream up a good life. It's just about letting the universe know what you want and working toward it while letting go of how it comes to pass. Your job is not to figure out how it's gonna happen for you, but to open the door in your head and when the door opens in real life just walk through it. and don't worry if you miss your queue because there's always doors opening. they keep opening. I'm just making a consious choice to perceive challenges as something beneficial so that I can deal with them in the most productive way. You'll come up with your own style. that's part of the fun.

Take a chance on faith. not religion, but faith. not hope, but faith. I don't believe in hope. hope is a beggar. hope walks through the fire, and faith leaps over it. You are ready and able to do beautiful things in this world. and after you walk through those doors today... you will only ever have two choices, love or fear.
Please choose love, and don't ever let fear turn you against your playful heart.
Thank you so much guys.
I'm so honored. Thank you.

Youtube: Iqbal Musalim Company, Inc
WhatsApp: +628986355448
Facebook: Muhammad Iqbal
Instagram: @Iqbalmusalim

Selasa, 05 Oktober 2021

5 Rules To Follow As You Find Your Spark

5 Rules To Follow As You Find Your Spark

I have 5 little rules that you can follow as you find your spark and bring your spark to life.

The first, is to go after the things that you want. Let me tell you a story. So a friend of mine and I, we went for a run in Central Park. The Roadrunners organization on the weekends they host races and it's very common at the end of the races they'll have a sponsor who will give away something, apple or bagels or something and on this particular day, when we got to the end of the run there were some free bagels and they had picnic tables set up and on one side was a group of volunteers. On the table were boxes of bagels and on the other side was a long line of runners waiting to get their free bagel.
So I said to my friend, "lets get a  bagel." and he looked at me and said, "ah, that line is too long." and I said, "free bagel." and he said, "I don't want to wait in line." and I was like, "FREE BAGEL." and he says, "No, that's too long." and that's when I realized there's two ways to see the world.

> Some people see the thing that they want, and some people see the thing that prevents them from getting the thing that they want. I could only see the bagels, he could only see the line. Because the rule is you can go after whatever you want. you just cannot deny anyone else to go after whatever they want. You don't have to do it the way everyone else has done it. You can do your way, you can break the rules, you just can't get in the way of somebody else getting what they want.

Rule number 2 In the 18th century, there was something that spread across Europe, and eventually made it's way to America called Puerperal fever. Also known as The Black Death Of Childbed. basically what was happening is women were giving birth and they would die within 48 hours after giving birth. This Black Death Of Childbirth was the revege of Europe and it got worse and worse and worse over the course of the century and these doctor and men of science wanted to study and try find the reason for this black death of childbed and so they got to work studying, and they would study the corpse of the women who had died. In the morning they would conduct autopsies and in the afternoon they would go and deliver babies and finish their rounds. and it wasn't until somewhere in the mid 1800s, that Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes realized, that all of these doctors who are conducting autopsies in the morning, weren't washing their hands before they delivered babies in the afternoon. and he pointed it out and said, "Guys, your the PROBLEM." and they ignored him and called him crazy for 30 years. Until, finally somebody realized that if they simply washed their hands, it would go away. and that's exactly what happend. when they started sterillizing their instruments and washing their hands, the black death of childbed disappeared.

>> The lesson here is sometimes your the problem. take accountability for your actions. You can take all the credit in the world for the things that you do right as long as you also take responsibility for the things you do wrong. It must be a balanced equation. You don't get it one way and not the other. You get to take credit when you also take accountability.

Lesson 3, take care of each other. The United States Navy Seals, are perhaps the most elite warriors in the world and one of the seals was asked, who makes it through the selection process? who is able to become a seals? and his answer was, "I can't tell you the kind of person that become seal. I can't tell you the kind of person that makes it through buds but I can tell you the kind of people who don't become Seals."
He says the guys that show up with huge bulging muscles covered in tatoos, who want to prove to the world how tough they are. None of them make it through. He said the preening leaders who like to delegate all their responsibility and never do anything themselves, none of them make it through. He said some of the guys that make it through are skinny, scrawny. He said some of the guys that make it through you'll see them shivering out of fear. He says, however all the guys that make it through, when they find themselves physically spent, emotionally spent. when they have nothing left to give physically or emotionally, somehow some way, they are able to find the energy to dig down deep inside themselves to find the energy to help the guy next to them. They become seals, he said. You want to be an elite warrior? It's not about how tough you are, It's not about how smart you are, It's not about how fast you are. If you want to be an elite warrior, you better get really really good at helping the person to the left of you, and helping the person to the right of you. Because that's now people advance in the world. The world is too dangerous, and the world is too difficult for you to think that you can do these things alone. If you find your spark, I command you. Now who you gonna ask for help? and when are you gonna accept help when it's offered?
Learned that skill.

>>> Learn by praticing helping each other, it will be the single most valuable thing you ever learned in your entire life to accept help when it's offered and to ask for it when you know that you can't do it. The amazing thing is when learn to ask for help, you will discover that there are people all around you who've always wanted to help you. they just didn't think you needed it, because you kept pretending that you had everything under control. and the minute you say, "I don't know what I am doing, I'm stuck, I'm scared, I don't think I can do this." You'll find that lots of people who love you will rush in and take care of you. but that will only happen if you learn to you take care of them first.

Lesson 4, Nelson Mandela is a particularly special case study in the leardership world. Because he is universally regarded as a great leader. He was actually the son of a tribal chief, and he was asked one day, "How did you learn to be a great leader?" and he responded that he would go with his father to tribal meetings, and he remember two things when his father would meet with other elders. 

>>>> 1: they would always sit in a circle. and 2: his father was always the last to speak. You'll be told your whole life that you need learn to listen. I would say that you need to learn to be the last to speak. I see in boardrooms everyday of the week. even people who consider themselves good leaders who may actually be decent leaders will walk into a room and say, "Here is the problem, here is what I think but I'm interested in your opinion, let's go around the room." It's too late. The skill to hold your opinions to yourself until everyone has spoken does two things. 
1, It gives everybody else the feeling that they have been heard. It gives everyone else the ability to feel that they have contributed. and
2, You get the benefit of hearing what everybody else has to think before you render your opinion. to keep your opinions to yourself. If you agree with somebody, don't nod "Yes." If you disagree with somebody, don't nod "No." Simply sit there, take it all in and the only thing you're allowed to do is ask questions. So that you can understand what they mean and why they have the opinion that they have. You must understand from where they are speaking, why they have the opinion that they have, not just what they are saying. and at the end, you will get your turn.
Practice being the last to speak. That's what Nelson Mandela did.

Number 5, my favorite one of all. True story. There was a former Undersecretary Of Defense who was invited to give a speech at large conference about a 1000 people, and he was standing on the stage with his cup of coffe, in a styrofoam cup. and he took a sip of this coffe, and he smiled. and he look down at the coffe, and then he went off-script. and he said "You know last year, I spoke at this exact same conference. Last year, I was still the Undersecretary and when I spoke here last year, they flew me here business class. and when I arrived at the airport, there was somebody waiting for me to take me to my hotel. and they took me to my hotel, and they had already checked me in, and they just took me up to my room. and the next morning I came downstairs, and there was someone waiting in the lobby to greet me, and they drove me to this here same vanue, and handed me a cup of coffe in a beautiful ceramic cup." He says, "I'm no longer the Undersecretary. I flew here coach. I took a taxi to my hotel and I checked myself in. When I came down the lobby this morning, I took another taxi to this venue. and when I asked someone " Do you have any coffe?" he pointed to the coffe machine in the corner and I poured myself a cup of coffe into this here styrofoam cup.
He says the lesson is the ceramic cup was never meant for me. It was meant for the position I held. I deserve a styrofoam cup. 

>>>>* Remember this, as you gain fame, as you gain fortune, as you gain position and seniority, people will treat you better. They will hold doors open for you, they will get you a cup of tea and coffe without you even asking, none of that stuff is meant for you. That stuff is meant for the position you hold. It is meant for the level that you have achieved of leader or success or whatever you want to call it, but you will always deserve a styrofoam cup.
Remember that lesson of humility and gratitude. You can accept all the free stuff, you can accept all the perks. Absolutely you can enjoy them, but just be grateful for them, and know that they're not for you. Thank you very very much guys. You're wonderful.
Thank you.

Facebook: Muhammad Iqbal
Instagram: @Iqbalmusalim

Senin, 04 Oktober 2021

How To Achieve Financial Freedom

How To Achieve Financial Freedom

Asked Warren Buffet, "What made you the wealthiest man in the world?" He smiled, and said, " three things."

I come from very poor background and we had no money for food at times, quite literally, and it was rough. So I wanted to make sure money wasn't an issue for my future family. So I figure out how to make money and I figured when I was 23, I figured how to make a million dollars in a year.
I went from US$ 38,000 to a million. You don't do that by some new strategy, It's a psychological shift, as well as the strategy shift. But then I made the same amount of money for 7 straight years even though I built a dozen more companies, have more people than ever, but it was like unconsciously.
Why do you want more than a million dollars? What do you, you know, you greedy? I finally decided to listen. If I could make US$ 38,000 to a million, it's not about money, it's like growth. So I went, I want to make US$ 3 million, but I wanna make more of a while I sleep. But than I really began to realize it doesn't matter how much money you make. It's really your capacity to take your creativity and stop trading time for money. It's the worst trade in the world, everybody's a financial trader. They don't realize they're trader, they trading time and you can't get more time.

So, when the first thing you wanna teach anybody, a child, a kid, anybody is as Warren Buffet said, "What made you the wealthiest man in the world?" He smiled, and he said, "3 things." 
He said, living in America is great opportunities, having good genes so I lived a long time. and he said, the last thing is compound interest. and we all know about compound interest, but I give an example the book of this guy "Theodore Johnson" worked for UPS. Never made more than US$ 14,000 in income in his entire life in a year. and in all the ages worth US$ 70 million dollars. and how did he do it?
All he did was he took a percentage of his income. his percentage was 20%, Now his family said you can't, we can't save any money. But he met a friend who said, "if you pretend there's a tax and the tax just took the money away from you, you never see it, the money just comes out of your account and goes an investment account, you'll be financially free."

So he was disciplined, he didn't look at it. It happened. US$ 70 million dollars by compounding. So, people's mistake is... and kids don't know this, adults don't know this, that you won't earn your way there but you can compound your way there. What I wanna do is say, where do you put that money?
The second trick is you really have to understand where you're gonna get hurt because (the fees), the fees  are just destroying people. 96% of all mutual funds never matched the market. I mean, they never beat the market. Look the statistics, Warren Buffet taught me this. He said, Ray Dalio told me this, David Swensen, who took Yale from US$ 1 Billion to 24 billion in two decades. These are the people telling me this.
Nobody beats the market expect a couple unicorns that nobody has access to. and I said, I didn't say you're not one of them. I said, here's the truth. 96% of mutual funds don't match the market. That means 4% succeed.
Now, what are your chances of picking the right mutual fund? People don't know what they're doing, they put their money in a 401K, they pick a mutual fund not knowing what it is. If you try to get a mutual fund, you got the 4% chance of winning. So what I show people is not only do you not get the result, thinking logically, If I hire someone else to do it they'll do better than me. But in addition, you pay around 2,000% more than it's worth. Meaning you get the same exact product, the same stock all in the index. You want a piece of all America's best companies, say the Vanguard 500 Index, I've their top companies, that cost 0,17%.
Like less than 0,2% versus the average mutual fund is 3,17%. Compounding overtime! and it's highway robbery. Where the world, would you pay 2,000% more for the same exact product. You can only do it because.. the financial industry makes things so opaque, so convulated, and people feel overhelmed. (and hard to understand) That's why I tried to come in here and go, look time to become the chess player not the chess piece. Let me teach you so you understand what's going on. It's not that complex, they use only big words. But when you know what's going on, you don't get screwed and more importantly you take advantage of the system instead of letting the system take advantage of you.

I have always looked for people that were playing the game at a different level than I am in and who are the road ahead. I always tell people, anticipation is power. So, my mentor have been people over the year, different people. My erliest mentor was a man named Jim Rohn. He was a personal development speaker just touched my life. Sir John Templeton is probably one of the greatest investors in history. People don't know his name. He started out with nothing and he decided that he wanted to understand wealth. So he saved US$ 10,000 dollars, huge amount of money in those days. and when Hitler invaded Poland, he developed a belief. His belief was.. you making money in times of maximum pessimism. If you were around in 2008-2009. You remember what it was like, right? You could have bought, you know the Sands in Las Vegas, you could have bought their stock for US$2,28 today at US$67 (Wow) It's a 3,000% return. So people in those times... He understood that, and so what he did was that everybody thought the world was going to end. He took US$10,000 dollars, he bought every stock on New York Stock Exchange.  It was a dollar or less including companies everybody thought were going bankrupt. But when things are bad, people think it's gonna be bad forever. When things are good, they think it's going to be good forever.
They're always wrong, life is cyclical. So, there's a season for everything. So once we got through World War II, and a few years later, guess what? Those same stocks made him a billionaire. So when I asked him, I said what's the secret to wealth? His response would touched me, he goes, you know, you teach it. I said, what's that? He said, gratitude. and I said, why do say that? He said, because if you had a billion dollars and every day you lived pissed off and frustrated, the quality of your life is called pissed off and frustrated. But if you have nothing, but you're euphorically grateful for whatever you have, you're the richest person that you're going to know.
He said, so it doesn't matter how much money you got if you dont have gratitude.

So I do the same thing by the way, I have a process I call priming where I get up every morning, I do mine in the morning. I just radical change to my body, kind of alter my state. and then I do 10 minutes I never miss, and my first three and a half minutes is what I'm really grateful for. and I make my self think of at least one of those three that's something really simplistic. There's something giant. You know, the wind on my face, looking one of my kids eyes, you know, something of the nature. and then I do three minutes of strengthening healing and three minutes of how I'm going to create my world. and I do that for a minimum of 10 minutes every day. Because I believe you have to condition it.
You don't just hope that stuff shows up. and I started reading and feeding my mind. and then I developed this little system, and the system was really simple. and I tell people now as I say, number one every single day, you got to feed and strenghthen your mind until you do that you're always going to be in fear because fear is automatic. Human brain is designed for survival, it's not designed for success. Your brain is not designed to make you happy. That's your job. and the only way you're going to do it is if you feed your mind. because otherwise weeds grow automatically, my coach, my mentor Jim Rohn used to tell me, so Iqbal, every day you gotta stand guard at the door of your mind. You gotta watch what's going in, because if you're not careful stuff will go in. So, every day I decided I used to go to the library because there's the only place to go. and I would feed, I read biographies. I read people's lives and it make me go, wait a second, as bad as I think it is. the greatest people in the world had it worse. So there's something here, so you feed your mind.
Jim Rohn used to say to me, skip a meal but don't skip reading, read 30 minutes a day, I don't give a damn what it is. and today, I don't mean internet crap, I mean.... read something that a biography, read something that's a strategy, read something that's gonna change your life.

Then the second thing I tell people is: feeding your mind is great, but you gotta also strengthen your body. and you do that as an athelete naturally. I learned to do that that because fear is physical right? you know where you feel it. and if you go work out, if you go lift, if you go run even if you're out of shape, you just go from an intense walk. That experience alone changes you.
Every year of my life, the first thing I do before I do my priming, if I'm at one of my homes, I jump in some hot water for fun. and then I jump in freezing water. and I have a river, in one of my homes in Silicon Valley and I've got cold punches everywhere else.
So I go in 57 degree water. Boom! and what it does is like it's teaching my brain. I do... I tell my brain what to do. and it does it. It doesn't feel like it doesn't want to do it. and every cell in your body is alive. So it doesn't have to be like two hours with something. It can be something to do for 30 seconds, but it's training your body to be strong because strong body, strong mind, and vice versa.

The third thing I tell people is find a role model. You know, it seems impossible until you see somebody's done it. So, Ray Dalio is one of the greatest Investor in history, the guy was a caddy, right?
You know, his dad was a jazz musician. His mom was a homemaker, you know, he's worth US$14 Billion dollars. and when you start seeing that somebody else can do it and you see they relly good. You start to believe, you start to get certainty. and then the fourth thing I tell people is massive action.
and constantly change your approach and lets find somebody worse off than you are and help them. Because when you do that, it gets your out of yourself.

Facebook: Muhammad Iqbal
Instagram: @IqbalMusalim