Senin, 15 April 2024

2030 Of 11: The Four Agreements (Don Miguel Ruiz) A Journey For Indonesia Jenius 2030 School Of Thought For Future CEO, Millionaire, Billionaire and Trillionaire In Indonesia & The World Present Soul Of Mind Indonesia X Iqbal Musalim Diplomat Success (Indonesia Global Network)

"The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz is a spiritual and self-help book that draws on ancient Toltec wisdom to provide guidance for leading a more fulfilling and authentic life. The book outlines four foundational principles, or agreements, that, when adopted, can lead to personal transformation and greater happiness.

 Here's a summary of the four agreements:

1. Be Impeccable with Your Word: This agreement emphasizes the importance of using your words thoughtfully and with integrity. It encourages you to speak truthfully, avoid gossip and negative self-talk, and use your words to promote love and kindness.

2. Don't Take Anything Personally: This agreement teaches that what others say and do is a reflection of their own beliefs and perceptions, not a reflection of your worth or value. By not taking things personally, you free yourself from needless suffering caused by others' opinions.

3. Don't Make Assumptions: This agreement urges you to communicate openly and ask questions when in doubt instead of making assumptions. Making assumptions can lead to misunderstandings and unnecessary conflicts. Clear communication fosters healthier relationships.

4. Always Do Your Best: The fourth agreement encourages you to give your best effort in all that you do. It acknowledges that your best may vary from day to day due to circumstances, but it's essential to strive for excellence without self-judgment or comparison to others.

Don Miguel Ruiz suggests that by adopting and practicing these four agreements, individuals can break free from limiting beliefs, reduce suffering, and live a life of authenticity, freedom, and happiness. He emphasizes the idea that personal transformation begins with a commitment to these principles, allowing individuals to create a more positive and fulfilling reality.

Follow: Iqbal Musalim, Soul Of Mind Indonesia & Indonesia Global Network 

BOOK: $30
Audiobook: $150
Soul Of Mind Indonesia, Indonesia Jenius 2030
Networkingnya Para Pembaharu Nusantara 
School Of Thought For Future CEO, Millionaire, Billionaire and Trillionaire In Indonesia & The World 
Iqbal Musalim Diplomat Success X Indonesia Global Network 
Visi Indonesia Jenius 2030 | Nusantara Maju 2045

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"Empat Perjanjian" oleh Don Miguel Ruiz adalah buku spiritual dan pengembangan diri yang mengacu pada kebijaksanaan Toltec kuno untuk memberikan panduan dalam menjalani kehidupan yang lebih memuaskan dan otentik. Buku ini menguraikan empat prinsip dasar, atau kesepakatan, yang jika diterapkan, dapat membawa pada transformasi pribadi dan kebahagiaan yang lebih besar.

 Berikut ringkasan keempat perjanjian tersebut:

1. Bersikaplah Sempurna dengan Kata-kata Anda: Perjanjian ini menekankan pentingnya menggunakan kata-kata Anda dengan bijaksana dan penuh integritas. Ini mendorong Anda untuk berbicara jujur, menghindari gosip dan pembicaraan negatif tentang diri sendiri, dan menggunakan kata-kata Anda untuk meningkatkan cinta dan kebaikan.

2. Jangan Menganggap Sesuatu Secara Pribadi: Perjanjian ini mengajarkan bahwa apa yang dikatakan dan dilakukan orang lain adalah cerminan keyakinan dan persepsi mereka sendiri, bukan cerminan nilai atau nilai Anda. Dengan tidak mengambil hati, Anda membebaskan diri dari penderitaan yang tidak perlu yang disebabkan oleh pendapat orang lain.

3. Jangan Berasumsi: Perjanjian ini menghimbau Anda untuk berkomunikasi secara terbuka dan mengajukan pertanyaan jika ragu, alih-alih membuat asumsi. Membuat asumsi dapat menimbulkan kesalahpahaman dan konflik yang tidak perlu. Komunikasi yang jelas menumbuhkan hubungan yang lebih sehat.

4. Selalu Lakukan Yang Terbaik: Kesepakatan keempat mendorong Anda untuk memberikan upaya terbaik dalam segala hal yang Anda lakukan. Hal ini mengakui bahwa kemampuan terbaik Anda mungkin berbeda dari hari ke hari karena keadaan, namun penting untuk berusaha mencapai keunggulan tanpa menghakimi diri sendiri atau membandingkannya dengan orang lain.

Don Miguel Ruiz menyarankan bahwa dengan mengadopsi dan mempraktikkan keempat kesepakatan ini, individu dapat terbebas dari keyakinan yang membatasi, mengurangi penderitaan, dan menjalani kehidupan yang autentik, bebas, dan bahagia. Dia menekankan gagasan bahwa transformasi pribadi dimulai dengan komitmen terhadap prinsip-prinsip ini, yang memungkinkan individu untuk menciptakan realitas yang lebih positif dan memuaskan.

Ikuti: Iqbal Musalim, Soul Of Mind Indonesia & Indonesia Global Network

BUKU: $30
Buku Audio: $150
Jiwa Pikiran Indonesia, Indonesia Jenius 2030
Networkingnya Para Pembaharu Nusantara
Sekolah Pemikiran Untuk CEO Masa Depan, Jutawan, Miliarder dan Triliuner Di Indonesia & Dunia
Iqbal Musalim Diplomat Sukses X Jaringan Global Indonesia
Visi Indonesia Jenius 2030 | Nusantara Maju 2045

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Ten Practical Lessons from The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom -- Don Miguel Ruiz


1. Be Impeccable with your Word: This encompasses both speaking truthfully and using your words consciously. Avoid gossip, negativity, and harmful promises. Choose words that uplift yourself and others.

2. Don't Take Anything Personally: Nothing others do is about you. Their words and actions reflect their own reality, not yours. Release the need to defend yourself or take offense.

3. Don't Make Assumptions: Assumptions breed misunderstandings and resentment. Learn to ask questions and clarify before jumping to conclusions. Open your mind to different perspectives.

4. Always Do Your Best: This doesn't mean striving for perfection, but giving your full effort in every moment. Accept and forgive yourself for mistakes, and focus on continuous improvement.

5. Be Skeptical, But Learn to Listen: Don't blindly believe everything you hear, but approach new information with an open mind. Learn to discern truth from opinion and be willing to learn from others.


6. Take Care of Your Health: Your physical and mental well-being are interconnected. Prioritize healthy habits, exercise, and self-care to nourish your body and mind.

7. Make Peace with Your Past: Forgive yourself and others for past mistakes. Let go of regrets and resentment. Focus on the present moment and the possibilities it holds.

8. Don't Seek Approval: Seeking validation from others creates dependence and suffering. Find your own worth and value within yourself, independent of external opinions.

9. Don't Compare: Comparing yourself to others is a recipe for discontent. Celebrate your unique journey and focus on your own growth and development.

10. Live in the Present: Release the grip on the past and future. Be fully present in each moment, savoring the experience without distractions or expectations.

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Sepuluh Pelajaran Praktis dari Empat Perjanjian: Panduan Praktis Menuju Kebebasan Pribadi -- Don Miguel Ruiz


1. Bersikaplah Sempurna dengan Kata-kata Anda: Ini mencakup berbicara jujur dan menggunakan kata-kata Anda secara sadar. Hindari gosip, hal-hal negatif, dan janji-janji yang merugikan. Pilih kata-kata yang mengangkat semangat diri sendiri dan orang lain.

2. Jangan Menganggap Sesuatu Secara Pribadi: Tidak ada yang dilakukan orang lain yang berkaitan dengan Anda. Kata-kata dan tindakan mereka mencerminkan realitas mereka sendiri, bukan realitas Anda. Lepaskan kebutuhan untuk membela diri atau tersinggung.

3. Jangan Membuat Asumsi: Asumsi menimbulkan kesalahpahaman dan kebencian. Belajarlah untuk bertanya dan mengklarifikasi sebelum mengambil kesimpulan. Buka pikiran Anda terhadap perspektif yang berbeda.

4. Selalu Lakukan Yang Terbaik: Ini tidak berarti berjuang untuk kesempurnaan, tetapi memberikan upaya penuh Anda setiap saat. Terima dan maafkan diri sendiri atas kesalahan, dan fokus pada perbaikan terus-menerus.

5. Bersikaplah Skeptis, Tapi Belajar Mendengarkan: Jangan percaya begitu saja pada semua yang Anda dengar, tapi dekati informasi baru dengan pikiran terbuka. Belajar membedakan kebenaran dari opini dan bersedia belajar dari orang lain.


6. Jaga Kesehatan Anda: Kesejahteraan fisik dan mental Anda saling berhubungan. Utamakan kebiasaan sehat, olah raga, dan perawatan diri untuk menyehatkan tubuh dan pikiran.

7. Berdamai dengan Masa Lalu: Maafkan diri sendiri dan orang lain atas kesalahan masa lalu. Lepaskan penyesalan dan kebencian. Fokus pada momen saat ini dan kemungkinan-kemungkinan yang ada.

8. Jangan Mencari Persetujuan: Mencari pengakuan dari orang lain menciptakan ketergantungan dan penderitaan. Temukan nilai dan nilai Anda sendiri di dalam diri Anda, terlepas dari opini eksternal.

9. Jangan Bandingkan: Membandingkan diri Anda dengan orang lain adalah penyebab ketidakpuasan. Rayakan perjalanan unik Anda dan fokus pada pertumbuhan dan perkembangan Anda sendiri.

10. Hidup di Masa Kini : Melepaskan cengkeraman masa lalu dan masa depan. Hadir sepenuhnya di setiap momen, nikmati pengalaman tanpa gangguan atau ekspektasi.

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Terimakasih atas dukunganmu!

(11) Terima Kasih Tuhan, atas penghormatan hidup yang kami
terima hari ini.
Kami yakin dan percaya, semua penghormatan hidup yang
kami terima hari ini adalah cara Engkau untuk
menyempurnakan rasa syukur kami.
Kami adalah pribadi yang terhormat dan rendah hati, wibawa
dan kharisma kami setiap hari memancar kuat sekali!
Terima Kasih Tuhan untuk hidup yang Luar Biasa Hebat, Indah
dan Menakjubkan.

(11) Terima Kasih Tuhan, atas penghormatan hidup yang kami
terima hari ini.
Kami yakin dan percaya, semua penghormatan hidup yang
kami terima hari ini adalah cara Engkau untuk
menyempurnakan rasa syukur kami.
Kami adalah pribadi yang terhormat dan rendah hati, wibawa
dan kharisma kami setiap hari memancar kuat sekali!
Terima Kasih Tuhan untuk hidup yang Luar Biasa Hebat, Indah
dan Menakjubkan.
Allahuma Ya Allah, Engkaulah yang Maha Memelihara
Engkaulah Al-Muhaimin yang Maha Memelihara.
Ampuni kami karena kami tidak mampu memelihara lisan
kami, ampuni kami karena kami tidak mampu memelihara
mata kami, ampuni kami karena kami tidak mampu
memelihara langkah kami, ampuni kami karena kami tidak
mampu memelihara hati kami di bulan suci yang penuh
dengan rahmat dan barokah ini kami mohon jadikanlah kami,
semua orang yang membaca tulisan ini beserta semua
keluarga kami dimanapun di seluruh dunia peliharalah kami
dari siksa api neraka, peliharalah langkah kami agar
senantiasa Engkau tuntun, Engkau bimbing, Engkau Rahmati.
Bahagiakan kami dunia dan akhirat.
Yaa Allah! Tanamkanlah dalam diri kami kecintaan kepada
perbuatan baik dan tanamkanlah dalam diri kami kebencian
terhadap kemaksiatan dan kefasikan.
Jauhkanlah dari kami kemurkaan Engkau dan api neraka
dengan pertolongan dari Engkau, Wahai penolong orang￾orang yang meminta pertolongan.

Soul Of Mind Indonesia
Indonesia Jenius 2030
Networkingnya Para Pembaharu Nusantara
School Of Thought For Future CEO, Millionaire, Billionaire and Trillionaire In Indonesia
Presented by Iqbal Musalim Diplomat Success

πŸ”₯10 Common Habits of Rich People that will Make You Rich.

1. Consistent Learning and Self-Education: Wealthy individuals prioritize continuous learning, understanding that knowledge is a key asset. They invest time in reading, attending workshops, and staying informed about their industry and personal development.

2. Goal Setting and Planning: Setting clear, actionable goals is a common practice among the affluent. They not only dream big but also break down their aspirations into achievable steps, regularly reviewing and adjusting their plans as necessary.

3. Financial Discipline and Budgeting: Rich people practice disciplined spending, saving, and investing. They understand the value of a budget, live within their means, and allocate funds wisely to ensure their wealth grows over time.

4. Networking and Relationship Building: Successful individuals recognize the importance of building and maintaining a strong network. They invest time in cultivating relationships that can provide opportunities, advice, and support.

5. Investing Wisely: Instead of merely saving, wealthy people make their money work for them through investments. They are knowledgeable about various investment vehicles and are not afraid to take calculated risks for higher returns.

6. Taking Calculated Risks: Understanding that higher rewards often come with higher risks, rich people are adept at evaluating opportunities and making informed decisions that can lead to significant payoffs.

7. Focusing on Health and Well-being: Wealthy individuals know that health is wealth. They maintain a balanced diet, exercise regularly, and prioritize mental health, understanding that a healthy body and mind are crucial for sustained success.

8. Valuing Time Over Money: Time is a non-renewable resource that rich people value immensely. They focus on tasks that maximize their time's value, often delegating or automating lower-value activities.

9. Creating Multiple Income Streams: Relying on a single source of income is rare among the wealthy. They diversify their income through businesses, investments, and side hustles to ensure financial stability and growth.

10. Persistence and Resilience: The journey to wealth often involves setbacks and failures. Successful individuals possess the persistence to pursue their goals relentlessly and the resilience to bounce back from disappointments.

#RichLifestyle #SuccessHabits #WealthMindset #MillionaireMindset #IqbalMusalimDiplomat #MakeMoneyOnline #Virals #Motivation

πŸ”₯13 Steps To Be Successful in Life: Tips and Advice

1. Find Your Passion: Success begins with identifying what truly motivates you. Dive into various subjects through books or courses until you find a field that sparks your interest. This passion not only makes the journey enjoyable but also opens doors to potential career paths, aligning your work with what you love.

2. Show Commitment: True commitment means being dedicated to your path of success, regardless of the obstacles. Establish both immediate and future objectives, and make daily efforts to advance towards them. Staying committed helps maintain motivation, especially when completing tasks that contribute to larger achievements. Remember, ambitious goals require a realistic plan and timeline to stay on course.

3. Learn from the Journey: Success isn't just about the destination; it's about the lessons learned along the way. Take the time to appreciate and learn from each step towards your goals. This mindset helps you adapt and apply valuable insights to future endeavors, making each achievement more meaningful.

4. Have Fun Along the Way: The path to success should be enjoyable. Embrace the adventure of learning new things and meeting new people. This approach not only makes the journey more pleasant but also keeps you motivated and open to exploring new possibilities.

5. Think Positively: Cultivating a positive outlook is crucial for overcoming challenges. Believe in your ability to achieve your goals, and when faced with setbacks, replace negative thoughts with constructive ones. A positive mindset enhances your resilience and determination to succeed.

6. Be Honest with Yourself: If progress stalls, assess your situation candidly to understand why. This introspection can lead to identifying new strategies or making necessary changes to move forward. Embracing honesty in your self-evaluation allows for more informed decision-making and realignment of your efforts.

7. Eliminate Distractions: Identify and minimize distractions that hinder your focus. Whether it's digital, environmental, or personal, removing these interruptions can significantly enhance your productivity and concentration on achieving your goals.

8. Rely on Yourself: While support from others is invaluable, ultimate responsibility for your success lies with you. Concentrate on actions within your control and strive for personal bests, knowing that you've given your all. Self-reliance fosters a strong sense of achievement and confidence.

9. Keep Planning: Success requires continuous planning and adaptability. Set specific challenges based on your personal timeline, and adjust your goals as needed. The ability to pivot and re-plan is essential in a constantly changing world.

10. Avoid Burnout: Balance hard work with periods of rest to prevent burnout. Keeping your pursuits enjoyable and sustainable is key to long-term success and well-being. Remember, it's okay to take breaks and pursue leisure activities to recharge.

11. Set SMART Goals: Utilize the SMART framework (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-based) to establish clear, achievable goals. This technique ensures your objectives are well-defined and actionable, providing a solid foundation for success.

12. Start Small: Beginning with manageable tasks can create momentum and a sense of accomplishment. Small, achievable actions can cumulatively lead to significant progress and build confidence in your ability to succeed.

13. Build Good Habits: Establishing positive routines and habits is foundational to achieving and sustaining success. Incorporate goal review and planning into your daily routine, and prioritize mental and physical health to support your ambitions. These habits not only aid in reaching current goals but also in setting the stage for future achievements.

#SuccessTips #LifeAdvice #StepsToSuccess #AchieveYourDreams #IqbalMusalimDiplomat #MakeMoneyOnline #Virals #Motivation

Self Talk Success is a positive statement that repeat day by day, month by month and year by year to develop you're inner strength be more healthy, happy, wise and better.

Self Talk Success will make you positive outcome in a daily basis that make us more positive thinking, positive feeling and positive motivational which is will guide us to have positive mindset and the positive life attitude in long-term success relationship in real life.

Iqbal Musalim Diplomat Success
Soul Of Mind Indonesia
Indonesia Jenius 2030
Networkingnya Para Pembaharu Nusantara
Sekolah Pemikiran Untuk Para CEO, Millionaire, Billionaire and Trillionaire In Indonesia
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